
So, why A. Tellin Company?  Pretty simple, really. My wife and I realized our family was struggling to share our lives with each other. Working and commuting left us little time with our boys each day and prevented us from supporting their interests. They wanted to take swimming lessons and Taekwondo, and the youngest wants to dance. We wanted them to have summers off--to fish, hike, camp and be outside, like we had growing up.  And, we just wanted more time with them as they are growing up so fast. So I left my dream job, I became a volunteer at their school and we now have an orange belt in the family.

I love tea. It is what I know and who I am and it is a big part of our family. I wanted to continue working with the farmers and producers worldwide and to help others in the category.  I put on a consultant hat, developed some recipes and helped some producers find new customers.  I was fortunate to have mentors when I stepped into the industry and it feels good to pass on some of my experience to others. I strongly believe that rising waters lift all boats. But I also wanted to make tea, and to make tea my way, and to go about things a little differently. So we put our heads together and decided to do just that, to create something on our own terms and alongside our family, friends and community-- in an old-school raise-the-barn kind of way.

We rolled up our sleeves and with help, built a headquarters. Part tea factory and kitchen space, part design dojo- it's our base of operations and humble beginnings. Here we make and offer special tea, celebrate the beverage and others in the industry and show you a new way to look at this ancient product.